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Dutton Everyman Paperbacks
EL Miscellany

Everyman's Library Catalog
by Dust Jacket Type

The list below shows all volumes in the catalog with one or more images of version 3 jackets.

Serial Number




8.1 Lamb, C. and M. Tales from Shakespeare FYP
14.1 Lamb, C. Essays of Elia ; Last Essays of Elia EBL
35.1 Macaulay History of England (Vol 2) HIS
42.1 Browning Poems and Plays 1844-64 (Vol 2) POD
45.1 Malory Le Morte D'Arthur (Vol 1) ROM
48.1 White Natural History of Selborne SCI
51.1 Cellini Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini (> Autobiography of) BIO
54.1 Pepys Diary (Vol 2) BIO
74.1 Defoe Captain Singleton FIC
82.1 Marryat Mr Midshipman Easy FIC
88.1 Motley Rise of the Dutch Republic (Vol 3) HIS
92.1 Browne Religio Medici and Other Writings PHT
97.1 Misc Mabinogion ROM
101.1 Keats Poems POD
114.1 Sophocles Dramas CLA
120.1 Borrow Romany Rye FIC
132.1 Scott, W. Fair Maid of Perth FIC
140.1 Scott, W. Quentin Durward FIC
182.1 Trollope Warden FIC
200.1 Augustine Confessions BIO
212.1 Ruskin Modern Painters (Vol 5) EBL
225.1 Macaulay Critical and Historical Essays (Vol 1) EBL
235.1 Dickens Pickwick Papers FIC
269.1 Lewes Life of Goethe BIO
274.1 Tacitus Historical Works (Vol 2): Germania and Agricola HIS
287.1 Brontė, C. Jane Eyre FIC
296.1 Kingsley Hereward the Wake FIC
298.1 Thackeray Vanity Fair FIC
311.1 Wordsworth Longer Poems POD
319.1 Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea FYP
342.1 Lamb, C. Letters (Vol 1) BIO
347.1 Swift Tale of a Tub; Battle of the Books ; Other Satires EBL
360.1 Trollope Doctor Thorne FIC
381.1 Rhys (ed) Everyman and Other Interludes POD
382.1 Longfellow Poems POD
383.1 Marlowe Plays > Plays and Poems POD
385.1 Cervantes Don Quixote (Vol 1) ROM
410.1 Edgeworth Castle Rackrent ; Absentee FIC
415.1 Goldsmith Poems and Plays POD
449.1 Cousin Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature REF
455.1 Thucydides Peloponnesian War CLA
472.1 Bulfinch Age of Fable FYP
489.1 Jonson Plays (Vol 1) POD
491.1 Misc Minor Elizabethan Drama (Vol 1) POD
492.1 Misc Minor Elizabethan Drama (Vol 2) POD
502.1 Browning Ring and the Book (Vol 3) POD
516.1 Aristophanes Frogs and Three Other Plays CLA
518.1 Rousseau Emile EBL
552.1 Ibsen Ghosts and Two Other Plays POD
558.1 Dasent Story of Burnt Njal ROM
568.1 Dryden Dramatic Essays EBL
604.1 Misc Restoration Plays POD
608.1 Carlyle Past and Present EBL
610.1 Thackeray English Humourists & The Four Georges EBL
670.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 3) CLA
674.1 Osborne Letters EBL
683.1 Richardson Pamela (Vol 1) FIC
703.1 Carlyle Essays (Vol 1) EBL
750.1 Lucretius Of the Nature of Things CLA
751.1 Locke Two Treatises of Civil Government PHT
753.1 Misc Paston Letters (Vol 2) HIS
760.1 Pope Poems, Epistles, & Satires of Alexander Pope > Collected Poems POD
763.1 Stevenson Treasure Island ; Kidnapped FIC
790.1 Smollett Roderick Random FIC
812.1 Mandeville Travels of Sir John Mandeville TRA
824.1 Misc Shorter Novels - Elizabethan FIC
831.1 Moliere Comedies (Vol 2) POD
848.1 Marx Capital (Vol 1) SCI
849.1 Marx Capital (Vol 2) SCI
858.1 Wilde Plays, Prose Writings & Poems POD
882.1 Richardson Clarissa (Vol 1) FIC
884.1 Richardson Clarissa (Vol 3) FIC
885.1 Richardson Clarissa (Vol 4) FIC
887.1 Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy (Vol 2) PHT
888.1 Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy (Vol 3) PHT
890.1 Landor Imaginary Conversations and Poems EBL
891.1 Euclid Elements SCI
893.1 Swedenborg True Christian Religion PHT
895.1 Butler, S. Way of All Flesh FIC
899.1 Webster and Ford Selected Plays POD
903.1 Pater Marius the Epicurean FIC
909.1 Kant Critique of Pure Reason PHT

82 titles found
403 dust jacket / cover images available for 82 titles


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