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Everyman's Library Catalog
by Dust Jacket Type

The list below shows all volumes in the catalog with one or more images of version 4 with knot jackets.

Serial Number




1.1 Boswell Life of Samuel Johnson (Vol 1) BIO
2.1 Boswell Life of Samuel Johnson (Vol 2) BIO
3.1 Lockhart History of Napoleon Buonaparte BIO
4.1 Andersen Fairy Tales FYP
5.1 Hawthorne Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales FYP
9.1 Aurelius Meditations CLA
10.1 Bacon Essays EBL
11.1 Coleridge Biographia Literaria EBL
13.1 Froude Essays in Literature & History > Short Studies on Great Subjects (Vol 1) EBL
14.1 Lamb, C. Essays of Elia ; Last Essays of Elia EBL
16.1 Scott, W. Ivanhoe FIC
19.1 Manning Household of Sir Thomas More FIC
21.1 Austen Sense and Sensibility FIC
22.1 Austen Pride and Prejudice FIC
23.1 Austen Mansfield Park FIC
24.1 Austen Emma FIC
25.1 Austen Northanger Abbey ; Persuasion FIC
27.1 Eliot Adam Bede FIC
29.1 Reade Cloister and the Hearth FIC
32.1 Carlyle French Revolution (Vol 2) HIS
33.1 Finlay History of the Byzantine Empire HIS
34.1 Macaulay History of England (Vol 1) HIS
35.1 Macaulay History of England (Vol 2) HIS
36.1 Macaulay History of England (Vol 3) HIS
45.1 Malory Le Morte D'Arthur (Vol 1) ROM
46.1 Malory Le Morte D'Arthur (Vol 2) ROM
47.1 Huxley, T. H. Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays SCI
48.1 White Natural History of Selborne SCI
49.1 Borrow Wild Wales TRA
50.1 Speke Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile TRA
51.1 Cellini Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini (> Autobiography of) BIO
52.1 Southey Life of Nelson BIO
53.1 Pepys Diary (Vol 1) BIO
54.1 Pepys Diary (Vol 2) BIO
55.1 Lockhart Life of Sir Walter Scott BIO
57.1 Froissart Chronicles of England, France, and Spain FYP
58.1 Hughes Tom Brown's Schooldays FYP
59.1 Defoe Robinson Crusoe ; Farther Adventures FYP
60.1 Swift Gulliver's Travels FYP
61.1 Canton Child's Book of Saints FYP
62.1 Aeschylus Lyrical Dramas (> Plays) CLA
63.1 Euripides Plays (Vol 1) CLA
64.1 Plato Republic CLA
65.2 Hazlitt Round Table ; Characters of Shakespeare's Plays EBL
67.1 Holmes, O. W. Professor at the Breakfast Table EBL
68.1 Holmes, O. W. Poet at the Breakfast Table EBL
69.1 Montagu Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1709-1762 EBL
70.1 Walton Compleat Angler EBL
71.1 Scott, W. Fortunes of Nigel FIC
72.1 Scott, W. Woodstock FIC
73.1 Thackeray Henry Esmond FIC
74.1 Defoe Captain Singleton FIC
76.1 Dickens Barnaby Rudge FIC
77.1 Cooper Deerslayer FIC
78.1 Cooper Pathfinder FIC
79.1 Cooper Last of the Mohicans FIC
80.1 Lytton Last Days of Pompeii FIC
81.1 Dumas Three Musketeers FIC
82.1 Marryat Mr Midshipman Easy FIC
83.1 Gaskell Cranford FIC
85.1 Burnet History of His Own Times HIS
86.1 Motley Rise of the Dutch Republic (Vol 1) HIS
87.1 Motley Rise of the Dutch Republic (Vol 2) HIS
88.1 Motley Rise of the Dutch Republic (Vol 3) HIS
90.1 Butler, J. Analogy of Religion PHT
91.1 Law Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life PHT
92.1 Browne Religio Medici and Other Writings PHT
93.1 Misc New Testament PHT
95.1 Sheridan Plays POD
97.1 Misc Mabinogion ROM
98.1 Tyndall Glaciers of the Alps & Mountaineering in 1861 SCI
99.1 Cook Voyages of Discovery TRA
101.1 Keats Poems POD
102.1 Dickens Tale of Two Cities FIC
103.1 Miller Old Red Sandstone SCI
104.1 Darwin Voyage of HMS Beagle round the World SCI
107.1 Wesley Journal (Vol 3) BIO
112.1 Browne Granny's Wonderful Chair FYP
113.1 Kingsley Heroes FYP
114.1 Sophocles Dramas CLA
116.1 Brown Rab and His Friends, and Other Essays EBL
117.1 Irving Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent EBL
119.1 Borrow Lavengro FIC
120.1 Borrow Romany Rye FIC
121.1 Eliot Silas Marner FIC
122.1 Hawthorne Scarlet Letter FIC
124.1 Scott, W. Abbot FIC
125.1 Scott, W. Anne of Geierstein FIC
128.1 Scott, W. Black Dwarf and The Legend of Montrose FIC
129.1 Scott, W. Bride of Lammermoor FIC
130.1 Scott, W. Castle Dangerous ; Surgeon's Daughter FIC
133.1 Scott, W. Guy Mannering FIC
134.1 Scott, W. Heart of Midlothian FIC
135.1 Scott, W. Kenilworth FIC
137.1 Scott, W. Old Mortality FIC
138.1 Scott, W. Peveril of the Peak FIC
140.1 Scott, W. Quentin Durward FIC
141.1 Scott, W. Redgauntlet FIC
142.1 Scott, W. Rob Roy FIC
143.1 Scott, W. St Ronan's Well FIC
144.1 Scott, W. Talisman FIC
150.1 Proctor Legends and Lyrics POD
151.1 Borrow Bible in Spain TRA
153.1 Shakespeare Comedies POD
154.1 Shakespeare Historical Plays, Poems, and Sonnets POD
155.1 Shakespeare Tragedies POD
157.1 Misc Fairy Gold FYP
160.1 Marryat Masterman Ready FYP
161.1 Virgil Aeneid CLA
164.1 Misc Spectator (Vol 1) EBL
165.1 Misc Spectator (Vol 2) EBL
166.1 Misc Spectator (Vol 3) EBL
167.1 Misc Spectator (Vol 4) EBL
168.1 Tytler Essay on the Principles of Translation EBL
170.1 Balzac Old Goriot FIC
171.1 Cooper Pioneers FIC
172.1 Cooper Prairie FIC
173.1 Dickens Old Curiosity Shop FIC
174.1 Dumas Black Tulip FIC
175.1 Dumas Twenty Years After FIC
176.1 Hawthorne House of the Seven Gables FIC
177.1 Lever Harry Lorrequer FIC
179.1 Melville Moby Dick FIC
180.1 Melville Typee FIC
181.1 Trollope Framley Parsonage FIC
182.1 Trollope Warden FIC
185.1 Finlay Greece Under the Romans HIS
193.1 Grote History of Greece (Vol 8) HIS
199.1 Thierry Norman Conquest (Vol 2) HIS
200.1 Augustine Confessions BIO
201.1 Hooker Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Vol 1) PHT
202.1 Hooker Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Vol 2) PHT
203.1 Wordsworth Shorter Poems POD
204.1 Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress ROM
206.1 Lincoln Speeches and Letters ORA
209.1 Ruskin Modern Painters (Vol 2) EBL
212.1 Ruskin Modern Painters (Vol 5) EBL
214.1 Ruskin Stones of Venice (Vol 2) EBL
217.1 Ruskin Elements of Drawing ; Elements of Perspective EBL
220.1 Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn (Vol 1) BIO
221.1 Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn (Vol 2) BIO
223.1 De Quincey Confessions of an English Opium-Eater EBL
226.1 Macaulay Critical and Historical Essays (Vol 2) EBL
227.1 Elyot Book Named the Governor (Gouernour) EBL
229.1 Balzac Atheist's Mass, etc FIC
230.1 Kingsley Hypatia FIC
233.1 Dickens Oliver Twist FIC
234.1 Dickens Great Expectations FIC
235.1 Dickens Pickwick Papers FIC
236.1 Dickens Bleak House FIC
237.1 Dickens Sketches by Boz FIC
238.1 Dickens Nicholas Nickleby FIC
240.1 Dickens Dombey and Son FIC
241.1 Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit FIC
242.1 Dickens David Copperfield FIC
243.1 Brontė, E. Wuthering Heights FIC
248.1 Alcott Little Women and Good Wives FYP
251.1 Stanley Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church HIS
252.1 Bright Speeches ORA
255.1 Misc Ancient Hebrew Literature (Vol 3) PHT
257.1 Shelley, P. Poetical Works (Vol 1) POD
258.1 Shelley, P. Poetical Works (Vol 2) POD
259.1 Kirby (tr) Kalevala (Vol 1) ROM
260.1 Kirby (tr) Kalevala (Vol 2) ROM
262.1 Harvey Circulation of the Blood SCI
263.1 Galton Inquiries into Human Faculty SCI
264.1 Hakluyt Voyages (Vol 1) TRA
265.1 Hakluyt Voyages (Vol 2) TRA
269.1 Lewes Life of Goethe BIO
271.1 Euripides Plays (Vol 2) CLA
272.1 Giraldus Cambrensis Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales ; Description of Wales TRA
273.1 Tacitus Historical Works (Vol 1): Annals HIS
274.1 Tacitus Historical Works (Vol 2): Germania and Agricola HIS
277.1 Kingsley Water Babies and Glaucus FYP
278.1 Carlyle Sartor Resartus EBL
279.1 Emerson English Traits, Representative Men, and Other Essays EBL
280.1 Machiavelli Prince EBL
283.1 Defoe Memoirs of a Cavalier FIC
284.1 Balzac Christ in Flanders FIC
285.1 Balzac Chouans FIC
287.1 Brontė, C. Jane Eyre FIC
288.1 Brontė, C. Shirley FIC
289.1 Defoe Journal of the Plague Year FIC
290.1 Dickens American Notes FIC
296.1 Kingsley Hereward the Wake FIC
297.1 Melville Omoo FIC
298.1 Thackeray Vanity Fair FIC
300.1 Creasy Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World HIS
301.1 Prescott Conquest of Peru HIS
302.1 Parkman Conspiracy of Pontiac (Vol 1) HIS
304.1 Blackmore Lorna Doone FIC
306.1 Polo Travels TRA
307.1 Chaucer Canterbury Tales POD
310.1 Herrick Hesperides ; Noble Numbers POD
311.1 Wordsworth Longer Poems POD
312.1 Misc Fall of the Nibelungs > The Nibelungenlied ROM
315.1 Lane Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians TRA
316.1 Franklin, B. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin BIO
318.1 Gaskell Life of Charlotte Bronte BIO
319.1 Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea FYP
320.1 Edgar Runnymede and Lincoln Fair FIC
321.1 Hazlitt Table Talk EBL
325.1 Eliot Mill on the Floss FIC
326.1 Dumas Marguerite de Valois FIC
328.1 Converse Long Will FIC
333.1 Villehardouin Memoirs of the Crusades HIS
334.1 Arnold Poems POD
335.1 Goethe Faust POD
336.1 Poe Tales of Mystery and Imagination FIC
340.1 Burke Speeches and Letters on American Affairs ORA
341.1 Gleig Life of the Duke of Wellington BIO
342.1 Lamb, C. Letters (Vol 1) BIO
343.1 Lamb, C. Letters (Vol 2) BIO
344.2 Aristophanes Acharnians and Three Other Plays CLA
345.1 Cicero Offices, Essays, and Letters CLA
347.1 Swift Tale of a Tub; Battle of the Books ; Other Satires EBL
349.1 Balzac At the Sign of the Cat & Racket ; Other Stories FIC
351.1 Brontė, C. Villette FIC
352.1 Burney Evelina FIC
353.1 Eliot Felix Holt FIC
354.1 Erckmann-Chatrian History of a Conscript of 1813 ; Waterloo EBL
355.1 Fielding Tom Jones (Vol 1) FIC
356.1 Fielding Tom Jones (Vol 2) FIC
357.1 James, G. P. R Richelieu FIC
361.1 Trollope Small House at Allington FIC
363.1 Hugo Les Miserables (Vol 1) FIC
364.1 Hugo Les Miserables (Vol 2) FIC
371.1 Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin FYP
374.1 Froude Reign of Henry VIII (Vol 3) HIS
375.1 Froude Reign of Edward VI HIS
377.1 Milman History of the Jews (Vol 1) HIS
378.1 Milman History of the Jews (Vol 2) HIS
379.1 Swedenborg Heaven and Hell PHT
380.1 Misc Koran PHT
383.1 Marlowe Plays > Plays and Poems POD
385.1 Cervantes Don Quixote (Vol 1) ROM
386.1 Cervantes Don Quixote (Vol 2) ROM
387.1 Boswell Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides TRA
391.1 Trollope Last Chronicle of Barset (Vol 1) FIC
393.1 Dumas Count of Monte Cristo (Vol 1) FIC
396.1 Trotter Bayard of India BIO
400.1 Ainsworth Tower of London FIC
401.1 Trotter Life of Hodson of Hodson's Horse BIO
402.1 Woolman Journal with Other Writings BIO
403.1 Misc Ramayana and Mahabharata PHT
404.1 Epicetus Moral Discourses CLA
405.1 Herodotus History of Herodotus (Vol 1) CLA
406.1 Herodotus History of Herodotus (Vol 2) CLA
407.1 Plutarch Lives (Vol 1) BIO
409.1 Plutarch Lives (Vol 3) BIO
411.1 Hazlitt Lectures on the English Comic Writers EBL
412.1 Smith, A. Wealth of Nations (Vol 1) SCI
413.1 Smith, A. Wealth of Nations (Vol 2) SCI
414.1 Dickens Christmas Stories FIC
415.1 Goldsmith Poems and Plays POD
416.1 Kingsley Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn FIC
417.1 Brontė, C. Professor FIC
419.1 Balzac About Catherine de Medici FIC
422.1 Hugo Hunchback of Notre Dame (Notre Dame de Paris) FIC
425.1 Thackeray Pendennis (Vol 1) FIC
426.1 Thackeray Pendennis (Vol 2) FIC
428.1 Aimard Indian Scout FIC
429.1 Martineau Feats on the Fjord ; Merdhin FYP
432.1 Lützow Bohemia, An Historical Sketch HIS
433.1 Merivale History of Rome HIS
435.1 Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 2) HIS
436.1 Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 3) HIS
437.1 Le Sage Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane (Vol 1) ROM
440.1 Montaigne Essays (Vol 1) EBL
441.1 Montaigne Essays (Vol 2) EBL
443.1 Spenser Faerie Queene (Vol 1) POD
444.1 Spenser Faerie Queene (Vol 2) POD
445.1 Evans (tr) High History of the Holy Graal ROM
447.1 Franklin, J. Journey to the Polar Sea TRA
449.1 Cousin Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature REF
451.1 Bartholomew Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography REF
452.1 Trotter Warren Hastings BIO
453.1 Homer Iliad CLA
454.1 Homer Odyssey CLA
455.1 Thucydides Peloponnesian War CLA
456.1 Plato Five Dialogues CLA
457.1 Plato Socratic Discourses CLA
458.1 Arnold On the Study of Celtic Literature & Other Essays EBL
461.1 More Utopia ; Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation PHT
464.1 Collins Woman in White FIC
465.1 Thackeray Newcomes (Vol 1) FIC
466.1 Thackeray Newcomes (Vol 2) FIC
467.1 Fielding Joseph Andrews FIC
469.1 Tolstoy Master and Man ; Other Parables and Tales FIC
472.1 Bulfinch Age of Fable FYP
478.1 Irving Conquest of Granada HIS
479.1 Bede Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation ; etc HIS
480.1 Misc Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers HIS
481.1 Spinoza Ethics ; and De Intellectus Emendatione PHT
482.1 Mill Utilitarianism, Liberty, Representative Government PHT
483.1 Berkeley New Theory of Vision and Other Writings PHT
484.1 Kempis Imitation of Christ PHT
485.1 Misc Little Flowers, Mirror of Perfection, Life of St Francis PHT
486.1 Byron Poems (Vol 1) POD
490.1 Jonson Plays (Vol 2) POD
491.1 Misc Minor Elizabethan Drama (Vol 1) POD
492.1 Misc Minor Elizabethan Drama (Vol 2) POD
494.1 Ibsen Doll's House, and Two Other Plays POD
495.1 Misc Smaller Classical Dictionary REF
496.1 Bartholomew Literary and Historical Atlas (Vol 1) - Europe REF
497.1 Misc Aucassin and Nicolette ROM
498.1 Huxley, T. H. Select Lectures and Lay Sermons SCI
500.1 Burton, R. F. First Footsteps in East Africa TRA
501.1 Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment FIC
502.1 Browning Ring and the Book (Vol 3) POD
504.1 Spencer Essays on Education EBL
505.1 Sheppard Charles Auchester FIC
506.1 Beaumont, Fletcher Select Plays POD
507.1 Thackeray Virginians (Vol 1) FIC
508.1 Thackeray Virginians (Vol 2) FIC
511.1 Gibbon Autobiography BIO
513.1 Irving Life of Mahomet BIO
514.1 Smeaton Life of Shakespeare BIO
515.1 Horace Complete Works CLA
516.1 Aristophanes Frogs and Three Other Plays CLA
517.1 Taylor Words and Places EBL
518.1 Rousseau Emile EBL
519.1 Hamilton Federalist EBL
522.1 Ainsworth Old St Paul's FIC
525.1 Tolstoy War and Peace (Vol 1) FIC
526.1 Tolstoy War and Peace (Vol 2) FIC
527.1 Tolstoy War and Peace (Vol 3) FIC
529.1 Scheffel Ekkehard FIC
531.1 Hawthorne Twice Told Tales FIC
533.1 Dostoyevsky House of the Dead FIC
534.1 Sand Devil's Pool and Francois the Waif FIC
535.1 Disraeli Coningsby FIC
538.1 Collodi Pinocchio FYP
547.1 Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (> Ethics) PHT
548.1 Hume Treatise of Human Nature (Vol 1) PHT
549.1 Hume Treatise of Human Nature (Vol 2) PHT
552.1 Ibsen Ghosts and Two Other Plays POD
553.1 Bartholomew Literary and Historical Atlas (Vol 2) - America REF
554.1 Misc Dictionary of Dates REF
555.1 Wright Encyclopaedia of Gardening REF
558.1 Dasent Story of Burnt Njal ROM
559.1 Boyle Sceptical Chymist SCI
561.1 Belt Naturalist in Nicaragua SCI
562.1 King Life of Mazzini BIO
563.1 Leslie Memoirs of John Constable BIO
564.1 Holmes, E. Life of Mozart BIO
569.1 Boehme Signature of All Things PHT
570.1 Descartes Discourse on Method PHT
571.1 Langland Piers Plowman (Book Concerning Piers Plowman) POD
572.1 Misc Book of British Ballads POD
576.1 Faraday Experimental Researches in Electricity SCI
579.1 Yonge Lances of Lynwood FYP
580.1 Marryat King's Own FIC
582.1 Reid Boy Hunters of the Mississippi FYP
584.1 Froude Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Vol 2) HIS
589.1 Stow Survey of London TRA
590.1 Ricardo Principles of Political Economy and Taxation SCI
591.1 Tolstoy Childhood, Boyhood and Youth FIC
594.1 Dumas Vicomte de Bragelonne (Vol 2) FIC
595.1 Dumas Vicomte de Bragelonne (Vol 3) FIC
598.1 Gaskell Mary Barton FIC
599.1 Goethe Wilhelm Meister (Vol 1) FIC
600.1 Goethe Wilhelm Meister (Vol 2) FIC
601.1 Buchanan Life and Adventures of Audubon BIO
603.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 1) CLA
604.1 Misc Restoration Plays POD
605.1 Aristotle Politics > Politics and the Athenian Constitution CLA
608.1 Carlyle Past and Present EBL
610.1 Thackeray English Humourists & The Four Georges EBL
611.1 Kingsley Yeast FIC
612.1 Tolstoy Anna Karenina (Vol 1) FIC
616.1 Shelley, M. Frankenstein FIC
617.1 Sterne Tristram Shandy FIC
619.1 Ingelow Mopsa the Fairy FYP
620.1 Dodge Hans Brinker FYP
622.1 Hallam Constitutional History of England (Vol 2) HIS
624.1 Misc Anglo-Saxon Chronicle HIS
625.1 Bjornson Three Comedies POD
628.1 Gray Poems and Letters POD
629.1 Kalidasa Shakuntala: a Play ; and other Works POD
630.1 Roget Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (Vol 1) REF
631.1 Roget Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (Vol 2) REF
633.1 Bartholomew Literary and Historical Atlas (Vol 3) - Asia REF
634.1 Misc Morte Arthur: Two Early English Romances ROM
638.1 Cobbett Rural Rides (Vol 1) TRA
639.1 Cobbett Rural Rides (Vol 2) TRA
640.1 Crčvecoeur Letters from an American Farmer TRA
653.1 Misc Century of English Essays EBL
654.1 Dostoyevsky Letters from the Underworld FIC
655.1 Neale Fall of Constantinople FIC
656.1 Balzac Lost Illusions FIC
659.1 Ibsen Pretenders, Pillars of Society, Rosmersholm POD
660.1 Rousseau Social Contract and Discourses PHT
662.1 Bartholomew Literary and Historical Atlas (Vol 4) - Africa and Australia REF
665.1 Seebohm Oxford Reformers BIO
667.1 Blackwell Pioneer Work for Women BIO
668.1 Cibber Apology for His Life BIO
669.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 2) CLA
670.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 3) CLA
672.1 Xenophon Cyropaedia, or Education of Cyrus CLA
673.1 Martinengo-Cesaresco Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs EBL
674.1 Osborne Letters EBL
675.1 Misc Anthology of English Prose - From Bede to Stevenson EBL
676.1 Paltock Peter Wilkins FIC
677.1 Turgenev Liza FIC
681.1 Harte Luck of Roaring Camp (> Tales, Poems and Sketches) FIC
682.1 Dostoyevsky Idiot FIC
683.1 Richardson Pamela (Vol 1) FIC
687.1 Thackeray Roundabout Papers FIC
688.1 Ruskin Two Boyhoods FYP
689.1 Boult Asgard and the Norse Heroes FYP
691.1 Hobbes Leviathan PHT
692.1 Malthus An Essay on the Principles of Population (Vol 1) PHT
693.1 Malthus An Essay on the Principles of Population (Vol 2) PHT
695.1 Misc New Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics POD
696.1 Bjornson Three Dramas POD
700.1 Lyell Antiquity of Man SCI
708.1 Gleig Subaltern FIC
709.1 Ainsworth Windsor Castle FIC
711.1 Dostoyevsky Poor Folk ; Gambler FIC
712.1 Josephus Wars of the Jews HIS
714.1 Misc British Historical and Political Orations from the 12th to the 20th Century > British Orations from Ethelbert to Churchill ORA
718.1 Paine Rights of Man PHT
719.1 Bacon Advancement of Learning PHT
720.1 Young Travels in France and Italy TRA
721.1 Cox Tales of Ancient Greece FYP
722.1 Cavendish Life of the First Duke of Newcastle BIO
723.1 Newman On the Scope and Nature of University Education EBL
724.1 Penn Peace of Europe; Some Fruits of Solitude ; Other Writings EBL
725.1 Dickens Edwin Drood ; Master Humphrey's Clock FIC
726.1 Gogol Dead Souls FIC
727.1 Green Short History of the English People (Vol 1) HIS
728.1 Green Short History of the English People (Vol 2) HIS
729.1 Ibsen Lady Inger of Ostraat POD
733.1 Balzac Ursule Mirouet FIC
734.1 Maine Ancient Law HIS
735.1 De Retz Memoirs (Vol 1) BIO
736.1 De Retz Memoirs (Vol 2) BIO
737.1 Duruy History of France (Vol 1) FIC
739.1 James, H. Selected Papers on Philosophy PHT
740.1 Gogol Taras Bulba and Other Tales FIC
741.1 Gorki Through Russia FIC
742.1 Turgenev Fathers and Sons (> Fathers and Children) FIC
743.1 Misc English Short Stories FIC
744.1 Dickens Reprinted Pieces FIC
745.1 Misc Growth of Political Liberty HIS
746.1 Misc Golden Treasury of Longer Poems POD
747.1 Ibsen Peer Gynt POD
749.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 4) CLA
750.1 Lucretius Of the Nature of Things CLA
751.1 Locke Two Treatises of Civil Government PHT
752.1 Misc Paston Letters (Vol 1) HIS
753.1 Misc Paston Letters (Vol 2) HIS
754.1 Fox Journal BIO
755.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 5) CLA
756.1 Livy History of Rome (Vol 6) CLA
757.1 Swift Journal to Stella BIO
758.1 Misc Short Stories from (> by) Russian Authors (> Russian Short Stories) FIC
759.1 Fox Selected Speeches ORA
760.1 Pope Poems, Epistles, & Satires of Alexander Pope > Collected Poems POD
761.1 Trollope Golden Lion of Granpere FIC
763.1 Stevenson Treasure Island ; Kidnapped FIC
764.1 Stevenson Master of Ballantrae ; Black Arrow FIC
765.1 Stevenson Virginibus Puerisque ; Familiar Studies of Men and Books EBL
767.1 Stevenson Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Merry Men, etc FIC
768.1 Stevenson Poems POD
770.1 Johnson Lives of the English Poets (Vol 1) BIO
771.1 Johnson Lives of the English Poets (Vol 2) BIO
772.1 Waterton Wanderings in South America TRA
777.1 Kingsley Madam How and Lady Why FYP
778.1 Misc Peaks, Passes and Glaciers TRA
779.1 Verne Five Weeks in a Balloon ; Around the World in Eighty Days FYP
780.1 Voltaire Age of Louis XIV HIS
781.1 Forster, J. Life of Charles Dickens (Vol 1) BIO
782.1 Forster, J. Life of Charles Dickens (Vol 2) BIO
783.1 Binns Life of Abraham Lincoln BIO
786.1 Vasari Lives of the Painters (Vol 3) BIO
788.1 Trench On the Study of Words and English Past and Present EBL
789.1 Misc Prelude to Poetry EBL
790.1 Smollett Roderick Random FIC
792.1 Blake Poems and Prophecies POD
793.1 Kingsley Poems POD
794.1 Misc Anglo-Saxon Poetry POD
795.1 Milton Areopagitica and Other Prose Works EBL
796.1 Sterne Sentimental Journey and Journal to Eliza EBL
797.1 Reid Boy Slaves FYP
799.1 Owen New View of Society SCI
800.1 Holinshed Holinshed's Chronicle HIS
802.1 Dostoyevsky Brothers Karamazov (Vol 1) FIC
803.1 Dostoyevsky Brothers Karamazov (Vol 2) FIC
804.1 Ainsworth Admirable Crichton FIC
805.1 Renan Life of Jesus BIO
806.1 Misc Book of Nonsense FYP
807.1 Castiglione Book of the Courtier EBL
808.1 Flaubert Madame Bovary FIC
809.1 Misc Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs (Vol 1) REF
810.1 Misc Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs (Vol 2) REF
811.1 Darwin Origin of Species SCI
814.1 Hazlitt Plain Speaker EBL
815.1 Bunyan Grace Abounding ; Life and Death of Mr Badman PHT
817.1 Surtees Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities FIC
819.1 Misc Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam ; Six Plays of Calderon POD
820.1 Defoe Tour Through England and Wales (Vol 1) TRA
821.1 Defoe Tour Through England and Wales (Vol 2) TRA
823.1 Chesterfield Letters to His Son and Others EBL
824.1 Misc Shorter Novels - Elizabethan FIC
825.1 Wollstonecraft; Mill Rights of Woman ; On the Subjection of Women SCI
826.1 Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel (Vol 1) ROM
827.1 Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel (Vol 2) ROM
828.1 Wakefield Letter from Sydney TRA
829.1 Hunt Selected Essays EBL
830.1 Moliere Comedies (Vol 1) POD
831.1 Moliere Comedies (Vol 2) POD
832.1 Trollope Phineas Finn (Vol 1) FIC
833.1 Trollope Phineas Finn (Vol 2) FIC
835.1 Howard, J. State of the Prisons SCI
836.1 Carroll Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, etc FYP
837.1 Defoe Moll Flanders FIC
838.1 Smollett Peregrine Pickle (Vol 1) FIC
839.1 Smollett Peregrine Pickle (Vol 2) FIC
840.1 Misc American Short Stories of the Nineteenth Century FIC
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866.1 Radcliffe Mysteries of Udolpho (Vol 2) FIC
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650 titles found
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